Monday, December 1, 2008

NaNoWriMo Winner

This winner's button almost fell by the wayside. But, I did finish NaNoWriMo. (National Novel Writing Month) November was filled with family issues, not to mention Thanksgiving and other priorities that kept creeping into my writing time. The closer I got to the 50,000 required word count, the more I knew I had to cross over the winner's line. Writing is as vital as breathing, still family must come first.

Sprinting with a group of fantastic writers helps keep the momentum flowing. Thanks to all the ladies out there in our Endurance Writing Group. I couldn't have done it without your help.

More later, now it's time to relax.


Rita St. Claire said...

CONGRATULATIONS, CAROL! How did you do it? For me, family comes first, too, so I don't participate in nanowrimo. I admire you for being a nanowrimo winner, in November, no less!

When (I forget his name), the original creator of nanowrimo spoke at my local writers' group, I mentioned the November/Thanksgiving/holiday problem for family women. I asked him why didn't he design the challenge for a month like October, for example.

His response (which I can understand and which I'm not whining about--at least not much) is that he happened to start it for November, and it took off from there.

Oh well. Anyway, I participate in a similar, more local challenge called "March Madness." It helped me complete a first draft of my second book.



Carol said...

Hi there, Rita. Lol. I'm not so sure NaNo wasn't the winner. After a month of writing I fell into a slump. Back on track now though after a couple of days rest.

November isn't a good time for me either, but then when is? Cooking and freezing food ahead of time saves tons of time. I try to work around Thanksgiving and write more than the required 1,667 words per day to compensate.

This year though life intervened and my schedule wasn't pretty! But NaNo fever won out.

I have three first drafts lined up for revisions and a Christmas manuscript to polish.

March Madness sounds about like November's challenge. Tax season. Now there's one date none of us can afford to miss.

It's time to glue myself back in the chair and write.

Thanks so much for reading and posting.
