Saturday, November 14, 2009

MONTEREY MEMORIES by Gail Gaymer Martin

I truly love this book. Monterey Memories, an anthology by Gail Gaymer Martin, is a must buy.

In each of the three novels, set in the central coast of California, Gail writes of God's love with such ease and weaves His love throughout each story.

We see how faith and growth in the Word affects every aspect of our lives. Everyday normal people with trials and decisions we can identify with, from trust, or acceptance to forgiveness, learn to lean on God through their faith.

Thank you, Gail. I look forward to your upcoming books.

I'm adding this book to my gift list for friends and family. Who wouldn't want to find this warm, engrossing book in their stocking at Christmas? Or simply a gift to share.

Hard to believe Christmas is almost here again! It's time to start those lists and address cards. I'm ususally well into my card list, but haven't started them this year. There's nothing like staying in touch with friends and Christmas is a wonderful time to do just that.

Write or Die

I'm not sure any of you are interested, but the link above is the answer to not sprinting with friends when you need to just write on your own. Keeps you writing and you set your own timeframe. I set it sometimes for an hour or fifteen minutes, depending on how much time I have between errands or chores around the house.

I do miss interacting with friends though and I tend to always be too busy to log on to the sprints. Life just keeps getting deeper, but I'm wading out. Same with you, I'm sure.

I bought the program for when I don't want to log onto the net. Plus the paid program allows you word wars with a friend. Kinda defeats the not logging onto the net though. I haven't used word war yet and don't know anyone who has the program and using it either. But it sounds like a fun way to stack up those words.

Now, speaking of chores, my kitchen needs attention, plus the vac is standing in the middle of the floor. Not drawing me, but I want to get it out of the way. =:D