So, I'm half through the month of November plowing through another National Novel Writing Month www.NaNoWriMo.org I'm lagging behind. I started off with a bang, but fizzled out into the second week. With less than twelve days left to finish a rough draft of 50,000 words in thirty days, I'm trying hard to stay sane. Lol.
Karen Wiesner's blog, on Routines For Writers, lists information from her First Draft in 30 Days and I plan to put forth an effort to salvage the rest of the month using her method. Here's the link http://www.routinesforwriters.com/2008/11/18/6-tips-for-when-your-book-isnt-working-a-guest-blog-by-karen-wiesner/ if anyone else is experiencing the same plight I've found myself in.
Good luck and I hope you find the words to forge ahead and finish the NaNoWriMo a winner. Me too!
Now, I'm off and running with my fingers glued to the keyboard hoping to turn out some awesome word counts the remainder of the month.